Upcoming events
Check out our monthly events calendar for events that we’re hosting or community events that we’re attending.
See our event list below for upcoming events.

Garrison Night Market
Stop by out booth at the Garrison Night Market to learn about invasive & native plants and how to be Plant Wise!

I Spy Invasive Species at Boars Head
Join the New Brunswick Invasive Species Council, the Nature Trust of New Brunswick, and like-minded nature enthusiasts as we explore Boars Head Nature Preserve while identifying invasive and native plant and wildlife species as part of a BioBlitz. Whether you're a budding enthusiast or a seasoned expert at identification, this event is for you!
Boars Head Nature Preserve consists of 27 hectares (65 acres) of land along the shore of the Kennebecasis Bay near its confluence with the Wolastoq (Saint John) River, in the Millidgeville area of the city of Saint John. It is one of the last natural areas in a fast-developing community. This nature preserve provides a sanctuary of scenic beauty, recreational opportunity, and wildlife habitat.
Learn more about the Boars Head Nature Preserve: https://www.naturetrust.nb.ca/en/boars-head-nature-preserve
What to bring
Backpack or day pack
Smart phone, tablet or notepad to make species observations
Filled water bottle
Closed-toed walking shoes
Weather-appropriate clothing, including a hat
Sunscreen and bug repellent
What’s provided
Safety equipment (hand sanitizer, masks, first aid kits, etc.)
sunscreen & bug repellent
Toilet paper
Extra water and snacks
Identification guides
Hand lenses/pocket magnifiers
Additional information, including driving directions and parking instructions, will be provided closer to the event date. This event will be weather-dependent.
Thank you to the New Brunswick Wildlife Trust Fund for funding this event and to the Nature Trust of New Brunswick for partnering with us to host the “I Spy Invasive Species at Boars Head” BioBlitz event at the Boars Head Nature Preserve.

NBISC Invasive Species BioBlitz 2024
Join us for the 2nd NBISC Invasive Species BioBlitz! From July 27th to August 4th, you can become a community scientist and contribute to invasive species management by reporting sightings of invasive plants, insects, wildlife, and diseases.

Moncton Boat and Sportsmen Show
Stop by our booth at the annual Moncton Boat and Sportsmen Show! For more information about the event, visit: https://www.monctonbss.ca/

Empowering Action: The 2nd New Brunswick Invasive Species Summit
Join us for two days of interactive discussions and activities to catch up on relevant invasive alien species (IAS) updates in New Brunswick since our last summit held in 2021!